
Adventure Stories, Trip Reports, Gear Reviews, Outdoor Skills, Gear Lists, & More…

Adventure Stories Ben Kitching Adventure Stories Ben Kitching

Skiing the Seven Summits of Central Oregon: A Photo Story

I don’t know what I expected when I decided to summit and ski all seven of my local peaks in a summer. Adventure, alpine views, some suffering. I couldn’t have imagined everything it would entail. Whiteouts. Sunset skiing. Even heat exhaustion all played a role as I raced to climb the summits before the snow melted. By the end of the summer, my body was worn down. But time has a way of changing perspective. Blisters and bruises have healed. Only cherished memories remain.

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Adventure Stories Ben Kitching Adventure Stories Ben Kitching

Skiing Mt. Washington

I’ve wanted to ski Mt. Washington for a couple years. It stands out on the skyline as I’m driving around town. Over fifteen hundred feet of open alpine skiing. Every time I lay eyes on the mountain, I imagine skiing it.

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Adventure, Adventure Stories Ben Kitching Adventure, Adventure Stories Ben Kitching

Skiing the Perfect Line on Three Fingered Jack

I’ve always heard outdoor athletes talking about inspiring lines in the mountains. Lines that called to them and forced them to push to new levels. Lines that consumed them. Their thoughts and dreams. I never really understood. I could see the lines that they were talking about. I heard the excitement in their voice. I just never felt the same way. I didn’t relate to that feeling of inspiration. I never felt that a line was calling to me. At least, I didn’t until last spring.

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